Rental application cheat sheet
Use this cheat sheet to help you fill out a typical Japanese regular-term residential apartment lease application.
Please see our article on Japanese Residential Apartment Leases Explained for the difference between fixed-term and regular-term leases, and Upfront Cost of Renting an Apartment in Japan for detailed explanations of shikikin (deposit), reikin (key money), and other key words in the rental application.
We’ve broken the translation into five parts below, but the whole application is usually just one-page long:
It might look difficult at first, so we’re going to divide it into small sections and explain what each part is about.
Rental Conditions
賃貸入居申込書: chintai moushikomisho. Rental Application Form
個人用: kojinyou. For individuals
賃貸申込書 内容: chintai moushikomi naiyou. Description of rental application
物件: bukken. Property
物件名: Bukken mei. Property name
号室: Goushitsu. Apartment number
入居希望日: Nyuukyo kiboubi. Desired move-in date
H 年 月 日: H=Heisei. Your desired move-in date in this format. For example, H.27年9月1日, means Heisei 27 (2015) September 1st.
所在地: Shouzaichi. Address of the property
内容: Naiyou. Description (literally “content”)
賃貸: Chintai. Rent
町費/ 町会費: Chouhi/ Choukaihi. Neighborhood association fee
敷金: Shikikin. Deposit
保証金: Hoshoukin. Guarantor fee
共益費: Kyouekihi. Common area fee
礼金: Reikin. Key money.
火災保険: Kasai hoken. Property insurance
駐車料: Chuusharyou. Parking fee
月額合計: Getsugaku goukei. Monthly total
鍵交換: Kagi koukan. Lock exchange fee
Applicant Information
申込者: Moushikomisha. Applicant
氏名: Shimei. Full name. Fill in your full name, including the katakana
現住所: Genjyuusho. Current address
性別: Seibetsu. Gender. 男 (Otoko) Male. 女 (Onna) Female
配偶者. Haiguusha. Spouse. 有り(Ari) Yes. 無 (Mu) No.
生年月日. Seinengappi. Birthdate
西暦. Seireki. Your birthdate using this format. For example, 1990年7月1日 means July 1, 1990.
年齢. Nenrei. Age
転居理由. Tenkyo riyuu. Why you are moving.
- 進学. Shingaku. For school
- 就職. Shuushoku. For work
- 転職. Tenshoku. Because you changed jobs
- 単身赴任. Tanshin funin. Because your work requires you to live in a location different than your home.
- 住み替え. Sumikae. Re-locating.
- その他. Sonota. Other (Fill in the reason)
自宅TEL: Jitaku TEL. Home phone number
携帯TEL: Keitai TEL. Cell phone number
Eメールアドレス: Email address
勤務先名. Kinmusakimei. Name of company where you are employed.
業種. Gyoushu. Industry category (what type of business your company is engaged in)
勤務先所在地. Kinmusaki shozaichi. Address of company
所属・役職: Shozoku / Yakushoku. Department you work in.
勤務年数. Kinmu Nensuu. Number of years you’ve work at the company.
年収. Nenshuu. Your annual salary in yen expressed in units of 10,000yen. For example, 300万 means 3,000,000yen.
職業: Shokugyou. Your occupation
- 会社員. Kaishain. Company employee
- 会社役員. Kaisha yakuin. Company executive
- 公務員. Koumuin. Civil servant
- 自営. Jiei. Self-employed
- 学生. Gakusei. Student
- パート・アルバイト: Paato / Arubaito. Part-time worker
- 派遣. Haken. Dispatched work
- 団体職員. Dantai shokuin. Employee of an association
- 年金受給: Nenkin jyukyuu. Pensioner
- その他. Sonota. Other (fill in your occupation)
Tenant Information
入居者. Nyuukyosha. Tenant(s) information.
We are omitting the fields that have already been translated above.
続柄. Sudzukigara. Relationship (to you). For example, spouse, child.
勤務先・学校. Kinmusaki / gakkou. Place of employment or school.
Guarantor and Emergency Contact Info
連帯保証人。Rentai hoshounin. Guarantor.
緊急連絡先. Kinkyurenrakusaki. Emergency contact.
Fill in the information for your guarantor or emergency contact. The fields in this section are exactly the same as in the Applicant section.
Your signature
Please be aware of the following when you are filling out the application.
- Please do not leave any of the fields blank.
- We may verify your employer and guarantor information.
- Your guarantor must be a close relative or someone with a stable source of income.
- On principle, we cannot accept lease applications from underaged persons, part-time workers, and high school students.
- If your application is rejected we will not be able to tell you the reason you were rejected.
I consent to the above explanation without reservation and tender this application.
I will not object in any way in the event that I do not meet the conditions for moving into the property and my application is rejected.